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Coaching for Cognitive Vitality and Well-Being
Coaching for Cognitive Well-Being & Vitality
Welcome! (3:54)
Introduction to Coaching for Cognitive Vitality & Well-Being (30:37)
Taking a Coach Approach to Cognitive Well-Being (14:28)
Mind Open: A Framework for Supporting Cognitive Vitality (6:57)
Coach Reflections
Outlook: Optimism, Thinking Habits & Well-Being
Optimism Can Be Learned (29:00)
Habits of Happy Thinkers (10:44)
Client Worksheet & Exercise
Coach Reflections
Introspection & Inner Talk: The Voices that Vie for Our Attention
Introspection, Inner Critics & The Voice in Our Heads (36:50)
Self Concept, Self Esteem & Self-Compassion (23:16)
Client Worksheet & Exercise
Coach Reflections
Cognitive-Behavioral Coaching: Frameworks & Tools
Introduction to Cognitive Behavior Coaching (4:41)
Cognitive Distortions & Thinking Traps (27:36)
ABCDE Model and Examples (10:11)
Client Worksheet & Exercise
Challenging Thinking Traps (10:31)
Client Worksheet & Exercise
The Science of Smiling (5:00)
The Science of Breathing (10:01)
Coach Reflections
Narratives: The Significance of Our Stories and Story-Telling
The Power of Stories (25:45)
Working With Story (7:12)
Telling New Stories (10:53)
Coach Reflections
Acceptance & Commitment Coaching: Frameworks & Tools
Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Coaching (17:52)
Cognitive Defusion: Watch Your Thinking (6:40)
Client Worksheet & Exercise
Opening Up: Acceptance (9:52)
Client Worksheet & Exercise
Self-As-Context: Pure Awareness (8:41)
Values: Know What Matters (12:55)
Committed Action: Doing What It Takes (10:19)
Coach Reflections
Mindsets: Beliefs That Bolster or Befuddle
The Power of & Science of Beliefs (29:47)
A Growth Mindset vs. A Fixed Mindset (28:52)
Practices to Support Growth Mindset Development (20:17)
Coach Reflections
Congratulations & Thank You :) (0:34)
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Self Concept, Self Esteem & Self-Compassion
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